The pillory of errant Certified Structured Settlement Consultants continues with a list of previously unmentioned members of the industry that decouple the CSSC from NSSTA and/or cite their professional credential to the "Lebanese institution", Notre Dame University, intead of University of Notre Dame. Some of the names included this week as they include Presidents of companies and a former NSSTA leader. All information has been obtained from the public domain.
- Ray Stoll- Ringler Associates
- Dennis English- Ringler Associates John's Island, SC
- Tay Robinson, IV, Prestwick, Kentucky claims he is "One of less than 200 structured settlement consultants to have received the Certified Structured Settlement Consultant Designation from Notre Dame University". Besides the Lebanese university reference, it appears that the last time Robinson updated his website was 350 CSSC's ago!"
- Randy E. Kreft, Structured Financial Associates, Denver
- Lee M. Rask, Selective Settlements of Oregon, LLC, 2007 brochure Brain Injury Association
- Liz Real, The Mangelsdorf Companies, Chicago
- Sean Roberts, The Pension Company, Sacramento, LinkedIn profile
- Ryan Long, Ringler Associates, Leawood Kansas "is actively pursuing the Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC) designation from Notre Dame University".. "Long" commute to the Middle East dude?
- John T. Bair, Forge Consulting Buffalo, NY decouples NSSTA from the CSSC certification. The operative question is to whom the check is made payable to for the CSSC program. Is it NSSTA or University of Notre Dame? Here's the link to the enrollment form posted on the NSSTA web site Is there anywhere on that registration form that could confuse anyone that they are enrolling at University of Notre Dame?
- John Pinto, Structured Financial Associates, San Francisco, another decoupler
- Ed Schrenzel, Structured Financial Associates, Lake Forest, CA another decoupler
- Walt Kimes, Structured Financial Associates, Phoenix, AZ, another decoupler
- Bill Tocchi, President of Structured Financial Associates , another decoupler
- Kyle Hording, Structured Financial Associates. The former NSSTA President states "She earned her Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC) designation at the first class offered by the University of Notre Dame" . C'mon Kyle! If it WAS being offered by University of Notre Dame woudln't it be logical that it would come up in a search result of the university web site? After all, in the case of "the other designation", the Registered Settlement Planner, a web page comes up on the Texas Tech website! A search of the University of Notre Dame website comes up empty on the first page of search results.Download Notre Dame Search Results_ certified structured settlement consultant... and Download University of Notre Dame Search Results_ cssc
Special mention for proof reading goes to the THE NATIONAL STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS TRADE ASSOCIATION (NSSTA) for its Benefits of Membership brochure which says...get ready...
"Discounted attendance fees for some of NSSTA's most popular meetings, including the Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC) course at Notre Dame University". Download NSSTA MEMBERSHIP_BROCHURE (see page 2, circled in red)
And, I'm not done yet... as if the new Executive Director of Forge Consulting's new acquisition, TSSG, needs any more chop busting:
"SSP's announced credentialing program follows an existing credentialing program called the "Certified Structured Settlement Consultant" (CSSC) sponsored by the National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA) in collaboration with Notre Dame Univesity". Patrick Hindert S2KM blog, October 14, 2006. Incredibly Hindert linked the words to the website of the University of Notre Dame. Did he even read the link? Way to go "knowledge leader"!And to underscore the potential for confusion due to the failure of NSSTA CSSC certificants to cite the correct University, an animation specialist by the name of Bachir El Khoury has a profile on Linkedin that shows that he graduated from Notre Dame University, in Lebanon AND CSSC Bikfaya.
As a reminder, please click here for the "Notre Dame University" anthem
View the master list of Settlement Consultants Who Flout NSSTA Guidelines for Promoting the CSSC
As a further reminder, those who do not enjoy seeing their name in kleig lights can supply proof to this author that they have edited their website, LinkedIn profile, and/or marketing materials to be removed.
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