Hello Patrick, my old friend
Pardon me I must gloat, again
That JG Wentworth who you once embraced,
Filed Chapter 11 leaving you disgraced,
Despite the mirth swirling 'round our brains
The "Thought Leader" NOT still remains.
Making points with skill I continue to hone
'Neath the halo of a greater good
I saw that Mr Wentworth was no good,
When my eardrums were violated by the Viking Chorus
You're on frickin' mute, what are you HO-A-RSE?
Endless seriata four score and more
JGW hyping without think-ing
Pedantic postings, many were stink-ing
Patrick's blogs of a voice never shared
En Francais they have a word, simply "merde"
"Hear Ye," said I, "ignore thee so
The factor ads that like a cancer grow
Heed my warnings that I might teach you
Read my thoughts that I might reach you"
My posts like silent raindrops fell
These Cash Now Pushers, "ooh that smell"
To the Viking trojan and now not bray?
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