by Structured Settlement Watchdog
I Warned Consumers Back in 2014
In my March 14, 2014 blog MJ Structured Settlement Annuities in Deceptive Structured Settlement Marketing - StructuredSettlements 4Real® Blog: Structured Settlements | Settlement Planning News and John Darer Reviews,

I called out Todd Lesk, CEO of what was then called MJ Structured Settlement Annuities for Deceptive Marketing. Todd Lesk was not selling stuctured settlement annuities to investors despite his company name. Lesk was selling structured settlement receivables to people seeking dependable income using what I have generally referred to as a scam label for more than a fifteen years. It is indisputable that investments in structured settlement payment rights are not an investment in an annuity.
"National Industry Leader" to Dead Phone Line in 3 Years I Observed in 2017
The MJ Structured Settlement Annuities Big Blooper - Structured Settlements 4Real® Blog: Structured Settlements | Settlement Planning News and John Darer Reviews
Todd Lesk is the "proud CEO" of MJ Settlements in Coral Springs, Florida according to Lesk's LinkedIn profile retrieved December 29, 2024
According to, MJ Settlements, Inc.was established in May 2023, with Lesk's wife Ricia as President. The record shows an address at 934 University Drive Suite 425 in Coral Springs, FL 33071. The address is a Pak Mail store which offers mailbox rental services along with packing, shipping, and other business services.
What Lesk sold, and MJ Settlements continues to Advertise for Sale (as of December 27, 2024) as a Secondary Market Annuity, IS NOT an Annuity, let alone a Stuctured Settlement Annuity
The 2012 brochure which still bears the name MJ Structured Settlement Annuities, appears in the following link on the MJ Settlements website. Link to MJSSA - PDF Link goes directly to Observant readers will notice a different number at the Pak Mail Coral Springs address (218) on the 2012 brochure available for download, compared to the one listed in the 2023 filing with the Florida Secretary of State (425) and accessible at
The MJ Settlements website persistently refers to structured settlement receivables or payment rights as structured settlement annuities, which is inaccurate and misleading
"A secondary market structured settlement annuity allows individuals to invest in existing structured settlements that were initially set up for recipients through legal settlements, often involving medical malpractice or wrongful death lawsuits. Investors purchase these future payments, creating a guaranteed and predictable income stream, often with higher returns than traditional fixed-income investments. These annuities are backed by highly rated insurance companies, ensuring a secure and stable income source".
Lesk is from Long Island New York. Lesk's New York insurance license expired in October 2024. Under New York Insurance law, "an annuity is a contract between a purchaser and an insurance company" Life Insurance: Annuity Products in New York | Department of Financial Services
Under the plain language in New York law, what Lesk sold, or may have sold to New York consumers as a Secondary Market Annuity was not an annuity. The annuity itself was never for sale. The seller did not ever own the annuity and had no right to sell it under the settlement agreement or qualified assignment he or she would have signed at the time of settlement of their case. Structures 101.
Florida 627.4554 Suitability in annuity transactions.—
(3) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
(a) “Agent” means a person or entity required to be licensed under the laws of this state to sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance, including annuities. For purposes of this section, the term includes an insurer when no agent is involved.
(b) “Annuity” means an insurance product under state law which is individually solicited, whether classified as an individual or group annuity.
Furthermore as I reported in the 2014 above linked blog post, "according to the Florida Department of Financial Services, Todd Lesk, the CEO of then named MJ Structured Settlement Annuities, Inc. was licensed as an insurance agent in Florida but did not show an appointment with Genworth, Liberty Life, MetLife, New York Life, The Hartford or Presidential Life. He was not approved for structured settlements by all of the companies he attempted to represent he was". As I contemporaneously reported, MJ Structured Settlement Annuities website page displayed the trademarked logos of each of these companies in an apparent effort to create the appearance of "annuity legitimacy" as a honeypot to attract investors, where there was none.
When the details of Lesk's Florida license were accessed through the public Florida database Licensee Detail, it reveals that Lesk is only appointed with a few carriers and only one issues structured settlement annuities. Not a single one of the current appointments is reflected in the deals currently offered for sale and Lesk is not appointed in Florida with any of the annuity issuers named in the deals read to close that are currently offered for sale on the MJ Settlements website. Of course, he wouldn't be would he? That's because they ARE NOT annuities.
Have the wheels come off the wagon for hot dogs selling people structured settlement receivables, misleading people into believing they were annuities?
From a spate of of complaints in Todd Lesk's FINRA file retrieved at time of posting Todd Michael Lesk - FINRA BrokerCheck:
- "1/20/2024 Statement of Claim alleges RR (Lesk) used his position of trust to provide a false layer of legitimacy to structured settlement activities"
- 2023 Without admitting or denying the findings, Lesk consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that he refused to provide information and documents and to appear for on-the-record testimony requested by FINRA in connection with its investigation into whether he recommended that his customer invest in a crypto asset offering away from Lesk's member firm.
The wheels may have come off the wagon, but not off the expensive Blue Corvette Todd Lesk drives around town.
Todd Lesk is Permanently Barred From FINRA in ANY Capacity
The Internet is inundated with with ads from law firms from across the United States seeking business as a result
Todd Lesk's troubles have also been the subject of interest of another watchdog.
Why did Todd Lesk deceive people? How was he able to do so for an extended period regarding structured settlement receivables?
MJ Settlements Inc. Current Truckload of BS (from website)
"A. Understanding if a Structured Settlement Annuity is for me?
1. "Settlement Annuities can be purchased by:
- Individuals
- Retirement plans
- Corporations
- Foundations"
Comment BS. Unless an individual or any of these entities is a self-insured defendant in a law suit, funding its future periodicpayment obligation from a settlement with a plaintiff or claimant, and is foolishly not doing a qualified assignment.
2. "When an original structured settlement annuity is sold, either partially or in full, it then becomes known as a Secondary Market Structured Settlement Annuity. MJ Settlements offers their investors the safety and guarantee of high yield Secondary Market Structured Settlement Annuity".
Comments This is total narishkeit* from MJ Settlements because MJ Settlements cannot sell an investor a structured settlement annuity. A structured settlement annuity cannot be sold by an annuitant because they don't own it. If you have bought a structured settlement receivable from MJ Settlements and it says it's an annuity, send a copy of the "annuity" and the correspondence to the Consumer Financial Protection Board and the Florida Department of Financial Services.
*My Yiddishe Bubbie Yiddish Glossary (N to T) - My Yiddishe Bubbie
3. "A secondary market structured settlement annuity" is a fiction. It has been expressly stated "Acquired structured settlement payment rights are not captured as an annuity or insurance product in statutory accounting. See National Association of Insurance Commissioners Statutory Issue Paper No. 160 (finalized April 6, 2019) See my blog NAIC Statutory Issue Paper Confirms that Factored Structured Settlement Payment Streams Are Not Annuities or Insurance Products - Structured Settlements 4Real® Blog: Structured Settlements | Settlement Planning News and John Darer Reviews December 29, 2018.
4. Patrick Hindert, the co-author of what is widely regarded as the seminal industry text Structured Settlements and Periodic Payment Judgments, wrote in September 2020 that these "are neither annuities nor structured settlements".
5. Not only that, but investors in structured settlement receivables are likely to be out of luck in the event of insolvency due to the 2017 Changes to the Life & Health Guaranty Associations Model Act that have been adopted by majority of states. See my blog Structured Settlement Receivables Have Insolvency Risks Investors May Not Understand - Structured Settlements 4Real® Blog: Structured Settlements | Settlement Planning News and John Darer Reviews September 2, 2024
Also see States That Have Adopted the New (2017) Model Act; and
Florida §631.713(3)(q) Exclusion "This part does not apply to: ...(q) Structured settlement annuity benefits to which a payee, or a beneficiary if the payee is deceased, has transferred his or her rights in a structured settlement factoring transaction, as that term is defined in 26 U.S.C. s. 5891(c)(3)(A)."
The worst part of it for investors who were sold investments in structured settlement receivables years ago, who thought they were buying annuities, is that the Model Act is applied retroactive to the effective date of adoption of the 2017 Model Act provisions by a state; AND there's more...
Had Lesk paid attention... Bad News for Structured Settlement Investors as NAIC Encourages Adoption of Model Act #520 - Structured Settlements 4Real® Blog: Structured Settlements | Settlement Planning News and John Darer Reviews March 15, 2022
6. "MJ Structured Settlement, Inc. helps clients enhance their financial portfolios with high-yield, guaranteed income streams and CD replacements".
Comments A CD and a structured settlement receivable have different risk profiles. A CD is FDIC insured. A structured settlement receivable is an unregulated product, has a far greater risk profile than a CD and It is not an insurance product. Investors in structured settlement receivables are NOT insured by the FDIC and in the majority of US states, is not covered by statutory protections that may be available to purchasers of legitimate insurance products and subject to the the likes of the SuttonPark Nightmare Structured Settlements 4Real® Blog: Structured Settlements | Settlement Planning News and John Darer Reviews: SuttonPark Servicing
7. The SuttonPark Payment Servicing Nightmare, created a humanitarian disaster affecting investors and partial sellers alike, has serious implications for the future of the structured settlement secondary market. I've spent more than 22 pro bono hours in the last month fielding phone calls and helping fill the information void. The part germane to this post is that with banking you have things called regulators.
8. MJ Settlements contradicts itself in its own blogs. On the one hand it uses the term annuity in the large print to hook the fish, but in the FAQ section it alternates in the uses of the term structured settlement payment rights.
Does Todd Lesk or MJ Settlements Inc.have professional errors and omissions coverage?
- Again, from his IAPD complaint file this entry "1/20/2024 Statement of Claim alleges RR (Lesk) used his position of trust to provide a false layer of legitimacy to structured settlement activities"
Lesk CANNOT contest that according to this
Anyone Check the Math on MJ Settlements', Lesk's Offer Sheet? I Did and Here's What I Found
On December 27, 2024, I retrieved and reviewed the MJ Settlements offer sheet, which includes two items with apparent calculation errors that overstate the payout to a potential investor and inaccurately states two annuity issuers in naming sources of payments on the respective receivables.
Fuzzy Math 1
Structured settlement receivable, item #2068, closing date 1/3/2025 requires an investment pf $96,291 and purports to pay 200 monthly payments of $1,946.88 from January 01, 2039, through August 1, 2055. Lesk' MJ Settlements website projects the payout over 200 months to be $465,000. However the math appears off. 200 months times $1,946.88 equals only $389,376.. And if you run a program called Days Between Dates and include both the starting and ending dates it comes out to 199 months plus 1 day which means an even lower total of $387,429.12.
Lesk Missing Attention to detail 1
Lesk incorrectly lists the issuer as Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Company. Just a bit more resourcefulness on the part of Lesk would have found the correct name was Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Company of Nebraska BH Structures
Fuzzy Math 2
Structured settlement receivable, item #796-05, ready to closer now requires an investment of $36,860 and purports to pay 75 monthly payments of $2,500.00 from January 12, 2046, through March 12, 2052. Lesk's MJ Settlements projects the payout over 75 months to be $247,500. However the math appears off. 75 months times $2,500.00 equals only $187,500. And if you run a program called Days Between Dates and include both the starting and ending dates it comes out to 74 months plus 1 day which means an even lower total of $185,000.
Lesk Missing Attention to Detail 2
Setting aside for a minute that what MJ Settlements is peddling are not annuiies, Lesk's MJ Structured Settlements; incorrectly lists the issuer as Prudential Life Insurance Company. Just a bit more resourcefulness on the part of Lesk would have found the correct name was The Prudential Insurance Company of America as it has been since 1877. Download Lesk Deal Table Final 12-27-2024 Payout Errata
Download Lesk Deal 796-5 Calculate Duration Between Two Dates 12-28-2024
Download Lesk Deal 2068 Calculate Duration Between Two Dates 12-28-2024
Learn more about John Darer's work as the Structured Settlement Watchdog
The Structured Settlement Watchdog® John Darer®
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Last updated January 4, 2025
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