This author has learned that the NSSTA will feature a segment on the In Force structured settlement annuity market at its Regional Meeting in Las Vegas to be held in mid November 2010.
It is believed to be the first educational segment on the subject of factoring to industry members in the association's history since NSSTA's compromise with the National Association of Settlement Purchasers in 2001, that led to inclusion of factoring provisions in the Victims of Terrorism Tax Relief Act of 2001, the creation of IRC 5891, all that has happened since and the state of affairs today.
This author hopes that the material will focus on significant opportunities for NSSTA members' natural markets that arise because of the secondary market , while balancing with due diligence steps that members can take to avoid the pitfalls in a market that may not be fully familiar to many NSSTA members.
It is hoped that the presentations will avoid the easily refutable assertion set forth in a recent Wall Street Journal article that certain returns are not achievable.The last 6-10 months have seen a dramatic increase in the number of financial planners outside the industry who are offering this product, occasionally in competition with NSSTA members.
In this author's opinion a healthy ethical discussion should ensue and this author is willing to chair or co-chair a caucus or workshop on the subject concurrent with the Regional for interested parties. For those with an open mind who are interested in an information exchange, healthy debate and helping to shape the ethical leadership in this area please contact this author.
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