by Structured Settlement Watchdog
We return to Georgia for a HENRY COUNTY UPDATE on its Plantiff Friendly Docket.
Lotti Sure Has ALOT of Plantiff Cases
Henry County Georgia continues to "pad its reputation" as the leading jurisdiction in the United States of
Another Happy Plantiff
America that maintains a dedicated Plantiff docket. It has done so since at least November 2019 according to my assidous research.
Judge Vincent A. Lotti has 3 pages of Plantiff cases on the docket for April 29, 2024. Check out this "random sample":
Download 4_29_2024_Vincent A. Lotti_Civil Docket 3 pages of Plantiff Cases
Download 4_22_2024_Vincent A. Lotti_Civil Civil Docket Henry County GA 3 pages of Plantiff cases
Download 6_24_2024_Vincent A. Lotti_Civil Plantiff Docket
All Plantiffs must still prove their cases.
Are Plantiffs Bailey's Bailiwick?
Henry County Georgia Judge Ralph Bailey is no slouch when it comes to Plantiff cases. Apparently he's primed for the Fall harvest as this October 15. 2024 docket shows. Download 10_15_2024_Ralph Bailey Jr_Civil
And now for a quick interlude...
Check out Genealogy of the Surname Plantiff on
Plantiff -
Average Plantiff life expectancy in 1974 was 82 years. This was higher than the general public life expectancy which was 70 back then.
Madison Law of Irvine California Has Simply Done an Amazing Job for Plantiffs
Can't let the East Coast have all the "clippings". Madison Law has a whole page displaying multi-million dollar recoveries for Plantiffs. If you're an injured Jacaranda from Orange County, because you couldn't "leaf" well enough alone, gotta call Madison.
Plantiff | Madison Law, APC ( as of April 7, 2024
Got a Landlord/Tenant Dispute in Hays County Texas?
Landlords attempting to evict boorish boxwoods from their property in Hays County Texas, can attempt to do so by first filling, and then filing (you see what I did there) this helpful Plantiff form Microsoft Word - Petition for Repair and Remedy.docx ( It was no picnic for a truculent group of ten (10) ants marching in protest after they were turned away. Cue Dave Matthews Band.
Hinds County MS Judge Wooten Has a "Heavily Pruned" Schedule of Plantiff Cases This Week
Download Judge Wooten's Civil Plantiff Calendar Hinds County MS for 4-8-2024
What Plantiff Legal Document was Authored by Ludwig Von Beethoven?
"Für Elise", of course ("Fir Release" in Plantiff speak), published in 1867, 40 years after Beethoven's death in 1827. Someone has to release firs from their root obligations.
The Case of the "Pickled Blade" at the OK Corral
In "Brining a Knife to a Gun Fight", an episode of The People's Court that is posted on YouTube..." the Plantiff is 100% guilty. When the defendant was telling his side of the story, the plantiff had his head buried up a paper pretending to read" O...K.then. See for yourself....
People's Court: "Preparing your weapon like a Thankssgiving Butterball"?
Plantiff Justice is definitely a thing as I have diligently chronicled. "Stay pruned" for my next report.
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