by Structured Settlement Watchdog
Do you own a "virgin structured settlement"? A virgin structured settlement is a structured settlement whose payments have never been defiled by a structured settlement buyer
- Have you been solicited by a structured settlement buyer, seeking to buy your structured settlement payments before the structured settlement annuity was even issued?
- Have you been solicited by a structured settlement buyer, seeking to buy your structured settlement payments, soon after the structured settlement annuity was issued?
- Have you been offered any form of consideration by a structured settlement buyer to provide non public information about someone's structured settlement annuity such as gift cards, cash, checks, bitcoin or other cryptocurrency?
- Have you accepted any form of consideration from a structured settlement factoring company to provide non public information about someone's structured settlement annuity such as quid pro quo, gift cards, cash, checks, bitcoin or other cryptocurrency?
If you have received one or more of these types of solicitation, or someone in your family has, please contact the Structured Settlement Watchdog.
Please save all solicitations in whatever form (postcards, texts, mailers, Facebook messenger, Instagram, Whatsapp screenshots etc). Take notes of all conversations including names, date and times and the specifics.
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