by Structured Settlement Watchdog
123 Lump Sum is a structured settlement factoring company based in Fort Lauderdale Florida. Factoring companies solicit people who are receiving structured settlement payments and offer pennies on the dollar for liquidity in exchange for structured settlement payment rights.
One of the two principals of 123 Lump Sum is an attorney. Surely a board member of the National Association of Settlement Purchasers knows that a structured settlement is a form of consideration in a civil matter not a criminal matter. However, that has not stopped 123 Lump Sum from a silly blooper that wrongly informs consumers about the basics, claiming that a Defendant in a civil suit is guilty, as opposed to liable.
123 Lump Sum states on its website (see 8-24-2022 screenshot below)
"Let’s start with the basics. A structured settlement is an agreement reached during a lawsuit, where the guilty party agrees to pay the victim a specified amount of money in periodic payments.
We can have a laugh about this now, but really guys, this is rookie stuff.
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