by Structured Settlement Watchdog
Another headscratcher from the structured settlement factoring industry.
"Start things off by letting your savings bloom" claims a sticky JG Wentworth Instagram Post from 2022 that still
features prominently for the hashtag #structuredsettlement at time of this posting . It presents the impetus for an interesting social commentary.
I've Never Thought of Spring as "Silly Season" But...
JG Wentworth is universally known for being a #cashnow company. JG Wentworth is the undisputed 800lb gorilla of cash now for structured settlements. HOWEVER, cash now for structured settlements is a losing pennies on the dollar value proposition. So sell your structured settlements to JG Wentworth for pennies on the dollar and "let your savings bloom"? What social media guru came up with that one and who were they targeting?
Would you give yourself a demotion?
Would you give yourself a demotion, a reduction in rank or status that means a significant reduction in salary to start a savings plan, in any season of the year? Would you trust any sales person who pitched you with that?
Selling A Structured Settlement in 2024? Get The 411 on Cash Now. Don't Be a Victim (
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