Justia Blawg search has ranked Structured Settlements 4Real 14th in its weekly ranking of legal subject matter blogs (blawgs). Ranking as of August 3, 2010
Blawgs are ranked based on the number of visits to the Blawg from the Justia BlawgSearch search engine and directory listing pages. Featured Blawgers are chosen by editorial selection of the BlawgSearch team. Justia Blaw Search allows you to search thousands of legal blogs updated throughout the day. Includes a directory of blawgs broken out by practice area, law school and locality.
As of August 3, 2010 Structured Settlements 4Real has an "all time ranking" of 30th
Justia is focused on making legal information, resources and services easy to find on the Internet. The company provides Internet users with free case law, codes, regulations, legal articles and legal blog databases, as well as community resources
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