by John Darer CLU ChFC CSSC RSP
Granted an annuity is safe and boring and gets its share of disrespect in the press, but if an annuity could talk might it hum something like this, to the tune of the chorus from Paparazzi by Lady Gaga?
Promise You'll Be Fine
Your Structure Won't Stop
Until You're "Out Of Time"
I've Got Your Future
I'll Keep Paying You, Until You Love Me
"Annu- Annuity"
Baby You'll Be Safe
Periodic Payments "Shake and Bake"
I've Got Your Future
I'll Keep Paying You, Until You Love Me
"Annu- Annuity"
It's not so far fetched really. When you think about it, a structured settlement annuity has more ways you can design structured settlement payments than cuts of meat in a Lady Gaga dress. It's "the ultimate in predictable income".
Sing it "Gags"!
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