by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
Peachtree Settlement Funding announced today that it has secured another sizable credit facility for its Structured Settlements division. According to its press release Peachtree Settlement Funding completed a transaction affording its Structured Settlements division over $200 million in financing for the acquisition of structured settlement payments and annuities including life contingent annuities and settlement payments. This facility will allow Peachtree to continue to execute on its aggressive growth strategy.
In a case of "the bottom line is..WHAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE?" why would tort victims sell their structured settlement payment rights to Peachtree Settlement Funding with its high discount rates?
Don't you get it? This is NOT GREAT NEWS for unsophisticated tort victims who are not willing to, don't know how to, or too lazy to shop! The Wall Street and global funding resources are rushing in to make easy safe money! It's an oasis from the sub prime crisis, FOR THEM, when THEY can get Peachtree's high return on assets backed by the credit of AA or AAA rated annuity issuers.
Are tort victims that gullible that they believe this Peachtree Settlement Funding ad that shows the goofy chick with fanned out wad of $1 bills (YES ONE DOLLAR BILLS!) and the beachfront home? What is Peachtree Settlement Funding's subliminal message here? Is it realistic? If you think it is, another factoring company,123 Lump Dumb has an infinity pool and a ferrari that its advertising implies you can trade for your financial security; the Woodbridge Investments "carnival booth" has some plasma TVs to promote financial decay and the Factoring Butt well...what do they have to offer?
For Peachtree's day in infamy click below for last year's Patricia Chambers case. Make sure you see how much the effective discount rate is in the Florida factoring disclosure.
Download 20070509161857_001.001.pdf
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