The Freedom1stFunding Re-Direct Scheme is a massive ongoing search engine manipulation scheme that counts Bronx Judge Norma Ruiz Download Google search 6-7-2012 Freedom1stfunding Bronx Judge Norma Ruiz, primary and secondary structured settlement market participants and several major insurers among its victims. Through the diabolical scheme, the operator of clearly attempts to capitalize on the names and good will of others by creating initial interest confusion in a desperate effort gain a competitive edge. Clicking on the links contained in the search results however, lead to, a structured settlement factoring lead generation website that appears to only benefit one party, or a very small group of related parties.
Isn't it ironic that the perpetrators of the re-direct scheme are in the structured settlement factoring industry and that in targeting Norma Ruiz, a seated Bronx New York Supreme Court judge, they are "dissing" someone who often runs rule over whether or not structured settlememnt factoring transactions get approved in Bronx County? Can you sing Dumb da Dumb Dumb DUMB (to the tune of Dragnet)?
The re-direct scheme is virtually identical to a re-direct scheme that has been alleged in two lawsuits to be the work of (or directed by) David Springer, 46, of Mt. Airy, MD and his company Sovereign Funding Group. The two lawsuits were brought by structured settlement factoring competitors J.G. Wentworth and Woodbridge Structured Funding respectively, shortly after information was discovered that tied the Defendants, David Springer and Sovereign Funding Group to Sovereign Funding was described as a "fringe player" in the factoring industry in J.G. Wentworth's complaint against it..
I first reported on the subject in Who Owns on July 25, 2011. On August 26, 2011 the name server for was transferred to! Download Q=sovereignfunding IP history. On October 3, 2011 we posted a copy of a work order for website development that further tied Sovereign Funding to . The dates therein, coincide with the dates that the re-directs (as they applied to structured settlement related names and company marks) were observed to appear by this author.
More indication of David Springer control or direction over re-direct scheme became evident after Woodbridge sent a cease and desist letter to Springer with a date certain of October 7, 2011. On October 7, 2011, the re-direct links were pointed to our company where they remained for a period of 2 weeks. Why would they point to our company on Woodbridge's "or else date" to Springer, if David Springer received a cease and desist letter from Woodbridge? There's reason to believe that this is more than sheer coincidence.
Copy of Woodbridge Complaint filed November 28, 2011 in Maryland Federal Court and still pending Download Woodbridge Structured Funding complaint v David Springer and Sovereign Funding
The J.G. Wentworth suit against Springer and Sovereign (which alleged that Springer and Sovereign were behind "47 different scam-related URLs!) was settled after a mediation and a joint dismissal was executed March 2, 2012. Compare the search result for JG Wentworth structured settlements on 9-30-2011 Download JG Wentworth structured settlements We Buy Payments Confusion to the same search result today. Download Jg wentworth structured settlements - Google Search 6-7-2012 . As a side note, in March 2012, the web domain, alleged to be owned by David Springer/Sovereign in the JG Wentworth complaint (see was transferred to a brand management company for JG Wentworth, according to Whois records.
Examples which compare re-redirect Scheme to re-direct scheme
A. We Buy Payments Re-Direct Scheme (clicking on all the marked links at time of Google search pdf was created pointed to
Download Stone Street Capital Victim of WeBuyPayments.Net 10-1-2011 Google
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B. Re-Direct Scheme (clicking on all the marked links at time of posting point to
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Like the re-direct scheme, the re-direct scheme is a scam on consumers who seek legitimate information about who/what they are searching for. The diabolical acts of deception are clearly intentional, there are multiple instances and it is ongoing. The list of victims is long. In my opinion, neither the primary or secondary market should put up with an individual or company that seems to repeatedly engage in this behavior. Those who "cheat to compete" should be dealt with accordingly.
The lawsuits apparently forced the perpetrator of the re-direct scheme to register the target domain off shore in at least an attempt to stymie future litigation over the scheme.
Follow the Woodbridge Structured Funding law suit against David Springer and Sovereign Funding at
The Structured Settlement Watchdog™ enjoys a day at "the dog fight"
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