John Darer reviews the Certified Structured Settlement Consultant professional designation.
What is a Certified Structured Settlement Consultant? 
Certified Structured Settlement Consultant, also known by the acronym CSSC, is a professional designation or credential that is earned as the result of successful completion of a professional credentialing program established by the National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA) in conjunction with the University of Texas at Austin.
Where is CSSC Training Held?
The CSSC training program has been hosted at the University pf Texas at Austin (since 2023). Previously the CSSC program was held at the Stayer Education Center, at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend Indiana. NSSTA has been awarding the CSSC to NSSTA members who qualify since 1994.
John Darer, President of LLC in Stamford CT earned his CSSC in 1995, the third of his 8 professional designations.
What Does It Take To Be A Certified Structured Settlement Consultant?
A Certified Structured Settlement Consultant should possess the fundamental body of knowledge required for success in the structured settlement profession having completed more than 60+ hours of study, having met a work experience requirement and having successfully passed a comprehensive examination.
Advanced Structured Settlement Consultant Credentials Available
An advanced structured settlement professional designation, the Master Structured Settlement Consultant (MSSC), was established in 2014.
I have been a Certified Structured Settlement Consultant for almost 30 years and was one of the first 25 members of the structured settlement industry in the inaugural 2014 Master Structured Settlement Consultant certification class who earned the MSSC designation.
Last updated August 22, 2024
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