by Structured Settlement Watchdog
Why does Black Square Financial target African Americans with the total lie that you can can "take control of your policy", the annuity policy that funds their structured settlement? (middle image below)
Despite touting all the value that merely pennies on the dollar will buy, Coral Springs Florida based Black Square Financial promotes the following falsehoods
- Implication that you can restructure an existing structured settlement.
- Statement that you can take control of a policy (that you do not own).
- " Structure your policy"
Given that a settlement agreement and qualified assignment would expressly state that the annuitant has no rights of ownership in the annuity policy, Black Square Financial is invited to post proof it has actually purchased a structured settlement annuity policy or helped a client purchase a structured settlement annuity policy.
More bogus claims by Black Square Financial of working with "all sizes of policies" can be found in this Black Square Financial ad 2017 ad discovered on the web at the time of posting.
The misleading Black Square Financial ad, shows a solicitation by Black Square Financial to unsophisticated structured settlement annuitants to take the proceeds of Black Square Financial's "pennies on the dollar" offer and use it to buy a depreciating asset such as a BMW. Here's what a BMW would cost at the time of the Black Square ad (retrieved June 13, 2022). The lack of credible justification for Black Square Financial's use of the advert, is compounded by the fact that no BMW of any size is an insurance policy, or a structured settlement. Silly boys.
Definition of Policy Under Florida Law
Download Licensee Search Jordan Freeborn Florida 6-12-2022
Download Licensee Search Jarrod Freeborn Florida 6-12-2022
"Stack Formation"
Black Square Financial claims "20 years of combined experience", yet can't talk the talk on their web page. I've got almost double that alone and if we ran a stack formation of the experience of my colleagues in the primary market who are members of NSSTA, AASC and SSP, who know what they are talking about, we might "muster a cluster" of up 10,000-12,000 years of combined experience. In case you were wondering, What Life Was Like 10,000 Years Ago?
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