by Structured Settlement Watchdog
They "Farce in Your General Direction"
With all due respect to Monty Python, lead generators for the structured settlement factoring industry like have been spinning the "written by, edited by and financially reviewed by a CPA or MBA" farce for years. But these often wafted "prestige hooks" are easily discredited as I will show you now. does not have a good grasp of Structured Settlement Basics as this diagram shows
Published on 11/10/2023 | Retrieved 7/5/2024 doesn't have a good grasp of the facts
Step 1 Claimant "Agrees to Settle and Releases From Liability" Defendant
Step 2 Defendant Funds the Settlement and Assigns Liability to Assignment Company
Step 3 Assignment Company assumes the responsibility to make payments and Purchases an annuity from Insurance Company
Step 4 Insurance Company Makes Payment to Claimant and the edited by reviewed by team sums it up
"While the arrangement may sound complicated, it is designed to take damages and restitution full circle — back to the claimant".
"Structured settlements are relatively simple" claims Terry Turner, the author. If that were the case, how could it get so foozled by Turner and quality control so badly?, its writer, its editor and financial reviewer with an MBA completely miss THE MOST critical element in the establishment of a structured settlement, the release in exchange for a promise to make future periodic payments.
Please refer to the LLC Flow Chart below for the correct sequencing Reposted and Repeated Its Own Previous Farce
Readers should know that has been spreading this nonsense since at least 2022, as I covered here The Structured Settlement Process | Annuity.Org Cites 10 Sources and Still Gets It Wrong - Structured Settlements 4Real® Blog: Structured Settlements | Settlement Planning News and John Darer Reviews ( The chart in that case was a shade of blue, not coffee stain brown.
The above chart was wrong in 2022. The same chart was republished in 2023 and "edited" by Savannah Pittle and "financially reviewed" by Timothy Li MBA in a "farce regurge". Who does the fact review at
Part of my long standing mission in my strucured settlement watchdog capacity is to help structured settlement consumers have the clearest path to accurate information about structured settlements
The October 2023 Farce
Let's move onto an October 2023 chart (displayed below) which is even more deficient than the other regurge.
This is overly simplistic and just plain wrong. Did the MBA really review this crap?
Once again, please refer to the LLC flow chart above for the proper sequencing and here How Do Structured Settlements Work | Structured Settlements Explained (
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