by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
Cash Now Pushers seeking a "Dan Hartman" (Free Ride) on structured settlement transfers from Judge Michelle Morley's Sumter County court room, in Bushnell Florida, are getting "Archie Bell and The Drells" as Judge Morley does the "Tighten Up", according to a settlement purchasing industry insider.
Scrutiny had visited upon Sumter County Florida courthouse, which has long had a reputation as a preferred venue for forum shopping cash now pushers.
The Structured Settlement Watchdog watchdog is happy to see progress being made to help curb abusive business practices by settlement purchasing companies and annuitants who are coached to commit fraud by cobbling together rudimentary documentation to create the appearance of Florida residence because of the perception that doing business in Florida, or particular counties in Florida (like Sumter County), is easier than their legitimate home states.
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