by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
Business must be brisk in Sumter County, the Florida county that has achieved notoriety in the structured settlement community for being a favorite venue for forum shopping cash now pushers and sellers of structured settlement payments who want to "test their boundaries".
The Clerk of Sumter County apparently has not one but TWO departments for structured settlements!
Download Sumter County, FL - Official Website - The Village Annex Structure Settlements Structured Settlements 3-3-2014
A brief online survey of other Florida counties such as Dade, Broward and Palm Beach, where a a cluster of settlement purchasers hang their hat, demonstrates that other Florida counties do not place the emphasis on structured settlements in the way that Sumter County does. The clerk of the court earns a filing fee each time a transfer petition is filed there.
Nothing could be clearer about Sumter County Florida being a forum shopping venue of choice and the efforts of Sumter County to make it more attractive to cash now pushers
Clerk of the Court Gloria R. Hayward's web page states at the time of publication of this post, "This is a special project undertaken by our Records Management and Technical Services staff to provide access to case types identified as Foreclosure or Structured Settlements.
This has been done in an effort to improve public access to these bulk case types that have recently been a matter of excessive public inspection. Our office has undertaken the task of providing a more efficient means of providing this information"
It also makes it easier for investigators.
If I were the IRS, or regulators doing a "look see", I would start with cases filed in Sumter County. The Sumter County clerk's office is in Bushnell Florida. Here's a list of Bushnell, FL hotels with prices so favorable that they would fit even into the most stingy of municipal budgets.
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