Brook Chase, a Syracuse University Lacrosse national champion and a structured settlement advisor in Syracuse and Tallahassee, friend and well-liked industry colleague has died at his home in Jacksonville Florida. He was 57 and a proud father of 4.
In his sophomore year at Syracuse, my alma mater, Brook scored 2 goals in the Orange victory over Cornell to win the 1988 NCAA National Championship game. SYRACUSE WINS LACROSSE CHAMPIONSHIP, 13-8 - The Washington Post
In the past 20 years, Brook was a settlement advisor with a number of firms, Brant Hickey & Associates, SFA, and the last decade with Ringler Associates. He was a Certified Structured Settlement Consultant and a member of the National Structured Settlements Trade Association.
We took the Certified Medicare Secondary Payer course together, in New Orleans in 2011, and over the years found ourselves on the opposite sides of cases, always an enjoyable experience. Brook often sounded me out for advice and for more than 2 decades, I could count on a call from Brook on a Saturday or Sunday to discuss what was happening in the Premier League as well as a midweek text if something good was going on the UEFA Champions League.
Godspeed my friend!
A Celebration of the Life of Brook Chase will be held on January 27, 2024 in Syracuse.
Stephen E. Chase, Jr. Obituary 2023 - Quinn-Shalz Family Funeral Home & Cremation Centre
Last updated January 19, 2024
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