by Structured Settlement Watchdog
8 years after the filing of the lawsuit that made national headlines, numerous motions, copious amounts of legislative privilege, recusal of multiple bench recusals in a judicial circuit, an existential occurrence (Colonial pipeline hack) led to 5 more months of delays, the rubber is finally hitting the road and Terrence Taylor will have at least 2 days in Court.
The bifurcated trial began today and will see the case made and contested for where Terrence Taylor actually lived. All of the serial structured settlement transfer petitions were submitted in Portsmouth Virginia Court while Taylor alleges that he was a resident of West Virginia and that the transfer documents were signed in West Virginia and witnessed by a West Virginia notary. Lawyers Jeremiah A. Denton, III for Taylor and William M. Stanley, Jr. for 123 Lump Sum Defendants, were in the ring today.
Opinion | Virginia’s weak laws allow structured settlements for pennies on the dollar - The Washington Post January 5, 2016
The flawed system that allows companies to make millions off the injured - The Washington Post December 28, 2015
Firms Help Settlement Holders Cash Out Payments Meant to Last a Lifetime - WSJ March 23, 2015
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