by Structured Settlement Watchdog purports' to be "a 360* personal development in Parenting, Education, Career, Exams, Skills, Health, and employment" based in New Delhi India. Apparently structured settlements are now a topic of interest, but nobody wants to put in the work to understand them before writing a farcical on a popsicle stick.
The dregs of the structured settlement secondary market have long exploited workers from India and elsewhere to support their
efforts to rise up in search engine results. The emphasis on quantity over quality has resulted in an ebb and flow of flotsam and jetsam that is rich in malapropism but is of little benefit to American consumers. What a pity!
1."One should take the help of a counsellor while evaluating a structured settlement company; attorneys help with the paperwork that can include Structured Settlement Agreement, Assistance Applications, and Qualified Assessments".
from "Do I Really Want a Structured Settlement Company?" by Armolopreet Singh
What is an Assessment? [ Source: Merriam-Webster]
Assessment has two meanings (“an amount that a person is officially required to pay” and “the act of making a judgment about something”) so distinct that one might rightfully wonder if they come from different sources. They do not.
Both are derived from related senses of assess, a verb that for over 500 years has meant “to determine the rate or amount of (a tax).” The monetary sense of assessment is tied to this oldest use of assess. By the 19th century, the verb’s object shifted slightly to produce a new meaning, “to make an official valuation of (property) for the purposes of taxation.” It was but a short step from here to the broadened sense “to make a judgment about” that is the basis of assessment “the act of making a judgment.”
Singh has written ( and Authne has published) a farcical on a popsicle stick (thats "ice lolly" for my UK readers)
2. "Also, structured settlements are certified and tax-free. This is not the case with a lump sum payment, which once in the hands of an individual may be challenging to manage". Ibid.
Certified as to what and by whom? For example, certified as a newt, with tax benefits?
I.R.C. § 104(a)(2) — expressly excludes from income the amount of any damages (other than punitive damages) received (whether by suit or agreement and whether as lump sums or as periodic payments) on account of personal physical injuries or physical sickness;
3. "It is in the interest of the beneficiary to do an environment check on the structured settlement companies they are comparing" Ibid.
For only $19.92, you too can make sure your structured settlement is free of ectoplasmic residue. Available at Walmart at time of posting
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