by Structured Settlement Watchdog
It's bad enough that CBC Settlement Funding "went in for the kill" on a vulnerable young adult New Jersey resident one year after its first attempt to nab his structured settlement was rejected. The latest attempt by CBC Settlement Funding occurred when the client was in the midst of a full blown psychotic episode (according to 2019 Court records). Now this shocking lack of nous from CBC Settlement Funding.
"Structured settlements can provide long-standing income for minors. They gain access to funds at 18 years old to prevent frivolous spending and to protect financial security".
It is common knowledge that the structured settlement secondary market in general is littered with horrific stories of financial predation of young adults, when they turn age 18 and shortly after. Giving access to funds at age 18 does not prevent frivolous spending. Thus on this showing CBC= "Clueless Baloney from Conshohocken". CBC Settlement Funding is based in Conshohocken Pennsylvania and a member of the National Association of Settlement Purchasers
4 Signs of Financial immaturity in Teens by Naomi Mannino September 3, 2013
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