by Structured Settlement Watchdog
CBC Settlement Funding Is a Disgrace To the Settlement Purchasing Industry, to its Parent Companies and to the Investors in These Companies' Securitizations
CBC Settlement Funding is participating in and may be deriving financial benefits from a fraud on structured settlement consumers that is the NLRBFCU.Org website. As I have carefully documented the NLRBFCU.Org website acquired a short while ago that holds out what appears to be a made up person, Laura Bushnell as its editor in chief. The website has gone through at least 4 name changes in less than a year, The latest "NL Brand Reviews". A telephone number known to be answered by CBC Settlement Funding is the only telephone on the site, although it cant be reached from certain calling areas.
Earlier today I completed a form on the NLRBFCU.Org website and within seconds I received a response from CBC Settlement Funding as you can see clearly below.
The National Association of Settlement Purchasers claims to be the only professional trade organization for participants in the secondary market for structured settlements. We are dedicated to ensuring the secondary market for structured settlement transfers remains fair, competitive, and transparent. .
NASP is a failure for continuing to permit CBC Settlement Funding to be a member contrary to the promises that it makes to the public. Furthermore Sutton Park whose CEO Steve Pasko is in charge of CBC Holdings, LLC ,the company that acquired CBC Settlement Funding, and Sutton Park , has been pumping money into NASP for years. The President of NASP, Fred Love is also associated with Sutton Park Capital.
Fred Love, is this what your NASP organization stands for?
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