by Structured Settlement Watchdog
Millennials familiar with bitcoin and other crypto currencies know that a fork has a deeper meaning than a utensil for lifting food and bringing the food to your mouth.
If You Are 18-21 and have a structured settlement, you may be targeted by cash in your annuity companies who will attempt to groom you so they can get you to fork over your structured settlement payments for pennies on the dollar.
Despite structured settlement protection acts such companies have partnered with big data and/or maintain their own databases to target their victims using false, misleading and unethical marketing techniques to get them to fork over the valuable rights to their structured settlement money. Beware the "muthaforkers"
Beware of mailings or phone calls from companies who pretend to be from a fake but official sounding government agency or fraudulent structured settlement registry.
It may seem like common sense, but beware of attempts by representatives of structured settlement factoring companies trying to befriend you, buy you booze, get you to blaze one (in states where it is illegal), take you to strip clubs, fly you to Florida or bus you into Virginia or Connecticut. Understand that you are the sheep and these companies are wolves seek to shear off your financial hair.
It's all unsavory business conduct that is designed to trap you so they can fleece you for pennies on the dollar. Don't get forked over.
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