Longevity protection is one of the important benefits of structured settlements with lifetime benefits.
An experienced veteran insurance actuary opined about about longevity protection and structured settlement annuities:
- The claimant could make an excellent investment decision that out performs the structure in terms of IRR calculated at issue and still run out of money because they live "too long", longer than estimated.
- Life expectancy does not reflect when someone will die, it means 50% of people will die before then end of life expectancy and 50% of people will live longer, many much longer.
- The fact that life expediencies are increasing every year and there is a greater than 50% chance of outliving life expectancy. -Debbie Fickett-Wilbar
"Americans worry more about running out of money than death" Allianz June 4, 2023
When you have a structured settlement, deferred income annuity, or a retirement annuity with a lifetime benefit option, the life insurance company that issues the structured settlement absorbs the risk of you being part of the 50% that live longer.
Structured settlements provide customized income streams to address what most people worry about the most
Last updated January 15, 2024
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