by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
"Trafficking" in structured settlement payee information has found its way to the Dallas Craig's List where it appears that a data researcher (read court scraper) has a unique perspective on what constitutes a client.
The latest from "Deal-y Plaza"...
I have been in the structured settlement business for years as a data research manager, I currently have thousands of valid structured settlement leads and documents to back it up some with payment stream remaining, I broker a few deals to a couple of companies but I was not happy in the way they handle my clients so I'm looking for a new partnership..."
Calling someone you've scraped a client is like teenage boy who tells his friends he got laid minutes after he found her phone number on a wall. You know like 867-5309
Calling someone you've scraped a client is like teenage boy who boasts to his friends he got laid minutes after he "found her number on a wall" (at a courthouse). You know... 867-5309
When I started in the insurance business groomed on the Al Granum One Card System (OCS) at Northwestern Mutual, there were three categories of leads, Suspects, Prospects and Clients. Granum, a legendary General Agent from Chicago found that by processing good records on more than 50,000 referred leads, it soon became apparent that it took 10 leads (suspects) to generate three prospects (who participated in full fact-finding), and one of those would become a client (someone who actually did business with you). The famous 10-3-1 ratio was born.
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