by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
Under pricing a bizarrely filed Florida structured settlement factoring transaction by $1 million plus, for a naive 21 year old named Cedric Martez Thomas, is not fair by any stretch of the imagination.
Yet Novation Funding LLC, a member of the National Association of Settlement Purchasers is apparently attempting to pull the wool over consumers' eyes through misdirection by using adaptive athlete Henri Picard's alleged words " they were always fair". If ever there was an invitation to hoist them on their own petard!
The question is whether adaptive athlete Henri Picard knows how badly fellow consumer Cedric Martez Thomas got shortchanged by the company he touts, Novation Funding LLC, whether or not cloaked as its DBA 365 Advance Services
If Henri Picard knew would he continue to permit Novation Funding LLC to use his image and purported testimonial?
Should Novation Funding LLC contact Cedric Martez Thomas and explain to him why he only got $1million when he could have received $2 million plus? In my opinion, yes, and Novation Funding LLC and its investors should make it right to him, get the transfer order of October 2015 vacated and give him a market rate.
There are laws on the books called Structured Settlement Protection Acts and this case, among others would be a great segment for journalist seeking to highlight how these acts in many cases are inadequate to protect vulnerable consumers. This is a matter of national public interest. This is a matter that should be of interest to Federal and State lawmakers who need to learn how badly this young man was shortchanged. At the very least, a great story to teach young people about money.
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