by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
Seneca One Finance has pushed the envelope by expanding on its highly misleading marketing stunt called "Structured Settlement Registry"
Google the definition of registry this is what comes up
1.a place or office where registers or records are kept.
an official list or register."a recognized purebred dog registry"
Seneca One Finance is not an official list or register.
It is a for profit entity, that as a member of the National Association of Settlement Purchasers, .purports to uphold NASP's advertised standards.
Seneca One now promotes a National Settlement Registry
National Settlement Registry appears to be a Seneca One's database beacon. Read closely and see that it isn't a government agency, it's a subsidiary of Seneca One, How exclusive a "registry" is it Seneca One has to pay you to join?
I've laughed at all the Who's Who "Registries", with more bastardizations than New York Ray's Pizza, that approach you with feigned snootiness about how you've been "handpicked to appear" and "by the way a leather bound copy to showcase your achievements...." will cost some unfortunate sucker $1,500. Then you see people putting in their bios that they are listed in Who's Who. It's a riot.
So The National Settlement Registry offers you a $100 so that it can stuff its database with your details so that at some time in the not too distant future you can receive mailing or phone calls from Seneca One. Whats exclusive about that?
And the structured settlement secondary market is enabled to engage in this behavior that would likely not be permitted in any other financial profession, solely because there is no regulation of its participants.
And that Congressmen Elijah Cummings, Chris Van Hohlen, Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh and company, is what I'm talking about.
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