by Structured Settlement Watchdog
As the Rod Stewart refrain goes "Every Picture Tells a Story Don't It?"
JRR Funding's Ryan Blank, the author of the slide, is beautifully hoisted on his own petard, impaled on his own unwitting metaphor.
The would be "sluggers" of the home runs and grand slams derived from the court scrapes are/were Ryan's JRR Funding and Fairfield Funding and the "balls", the objects being "hit over the head" with a figurative baseball bat are injury victims. Picture that, "skull bashing" hits to the value of a person's structured settlement for which Ryan's company was to split 40% and Fairfield Funding 60% after Fairfield Funding's costs were paid.
Bear this in mind when you read ads from cash now pushers who try to appear magnanimous.
Upon information and belief JRR Funding operates Einstein Structured Settlements (where we've shown that brand jacking, paid for fake testimonials, fraudulent academic credentials are unfortunately the norm, and inaccurate content generation so bad, we created a special social media road kill page for them), Edison Funding, Money Settlement and Franklin Structured Settlements.
February 28, 2014 Fairfield Funding is in Bed With Einstein Structured Settlements
March 5, 2014 Fairfield Funding Derives Financial Benefit From Misleading Information.
April 1, 2014 Fairfield Funding " Comprehensively" Linked to Einstein Structured Settlements
Fairfield Funding is no angel when it comes to structured settlement advertising. Here's a link to our stories from 2012 and prior, including the Fairfield Funding "drip feed" pitch.
Postscript February 6, 2015
Following the publication of this post the Ryan Blank Prezi discussing the the proposed business strategy of JRR Funding with Fairfield Funding, was removed. I hear it again "Every picture tells a story don't it? Every picture tells a story don't it? Every picture tells a story don't it?"
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