Stone Street Capital "sighs" 'It's Friday...want to go out and enjoy your weekend without feeling like this on Monday? Cue picture of a woman aghast that she has an empty wallet and hashtag #wecanhelpwithat on Twitter.
While I have to admit I find the Stone Street Capital "mala-twits" amusing fodder for a little witty banter, I must say this...
Of course the best "The Stone" can do is throw you a bone, a wishbone, an advance. Depending on the jurisdiction and availability of documentation, an actual structured settlement factoring transaction could take 90 days. So you get some tender vittles in your wallet, but it's not for going out and joining everyone who is "twerking for the weekend" Lovergirl.
Selling your structured settlement is expensive money. It is something that should involve sober thought. And if you can afford to wait for a little longer to receive the full amount of your payments, even better.
"Everybody's workin' for the weekend
Everybody wants a new romance
Everybody's goin' off the deep end..." -Loverboy " Everybody's Working for the Weekend" (1982)
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