by Structured Settlement Watchdog
With Genex Strategies Inc. will it prove to be the case of trying to "close the barn door after the horse has already bolted"?
Genex Strategies, Inc. has contended in its motion to dismiss that it does not do business in the United States and should be dismissed from the Woodbridge Structured Funding lawsuit against it, concerning Structured Settlement Quotes (SSQ) website which is alleged in the complaint as "nothing more than a fraudulent and deceptive scheme designed to mislead and deceive consumers and benefit certain companies and persons, and in particular Genex Capital and persons associated with Genex Capital".
Both Woodbridge and Genex compete as buyers, or representatives of buyers, in the structured settlement secondary market and sellers of structured settlement payment rights to investors. The lawsuit should be of interest to both the primary and secondary market due to the serious nature of the allegations and what it means to American consumers.
The following changes to what might be considered "loose ends" have been observed in recent weeks.
Change of Copyright Notice
Since 2005 Genex Strategies, Inc. has appeared in the copyright notice on the home page of the Genex Capital website at genexcapital (dot)com. Yet today it says copyright Genex Capital Corporation. The change was only made after the start of litigation against Genex Strategies, Inc.
Incomplete Edit of Listing of Alternate Business Name on Genex Controlled BBB Report
Genex Strategies, Inc. has been listed as an alternate business name on the Genex Capital Better Business Bureau report for years. It was changed (i.e. removed) after August 27, 2014, about a month after Genex Strategies, Inc. made a motion to dismiss the pending legal action on jurisdictional grounds. Genex Capital, Genex Strategies were each served in a lawsuit pending in Connecticut Federal Court.
Download Genex Capital Corporatio.. 8-27 BBB Baltimore HQ abn Genex Strategies Inc Proctor Limcangco
Change of "On Website" Credit of Website Ownership of Other Websites to US Company
Several domains and structured settlement related websites that are believed to be Genex Strategies, Inc. properties displayed "a Genex Strategies, Inc. website" in the footer until very recently when Genex Strategies, Inc, was replaced with Genex Capital Corporation. An example is Settlements(dot)org. On February 17, 2014, I even gave Genex Strategies a "well done" for disclosing that it was a Genex Strategies, inc. website.
Genex Capital Corporation is a Delaware corporation whose principal address is a UPS store mail box in Dover, DE. Genex Strategies, Inc. is a Canadian company. Other domains/companies associated with Genex Strategies, Inc. such as used the same UPS box in an online listing described in the immediately prior blog post. Both Genex Capital Corporation and Genex Strategies, Inc. share the same officers and are believed to call the shots out of Vancouver.
Other Genex websites like Mostcashsettlements(dot)com list Genex Strategies Inc. at time of posting.
Addition of Robots.Txt file to block web archiving of Genex Capital website at Wayback Machine
But that didn't do a good enough job, as there are screenshots preserved going back to 2005 that show that Genex Strategies Inc. was used on every home page for at least the last 9 years!
Trademark Application by Genex Strategies Inc Refers to Genex Capital as a Service Mark.
The description accompanying the Genex Capital mark is "Financial factoring services, namely, purchasing of deferred streams of payment in the nature of structured settlements and annuities" . An important take away is that structured settlements cannot currently be sold in Canada. The sellers of structured settlement payments rights are primarily residing in the United States. The Canadian company and/or its affiliates clearly targets United States citizens.
Another "Selfie"?
On a lighter dot-connecting note, is home page shout out to its "friends at Abaca Rx" another "selfie"? website privacy policy lists Roger Proctor's condo at the Fairmont Pacific Rim address at 1011 West Cordova Street Suite 3502 . A press release was issued when it launched in June 2013, listing Boris Drubetsky as spokesman. Download Privacy Policy - CANABUD ca with Proctor condo address Drubetsky is also the Chief Operating Officer of the shout out target company Abaca Rx that operates out of the same address. Upon information and belief, the Roger Proctor CEO and Boris Drubetsky Chief Operating Officer combination is in place at Genex Strategies Inc. and Genex Capital Corporation, all out of the same 2 bedroom condo at the Fairmont Pacific Rim or the 1 bedroom with balcony at the Escala at 323 Jervis Street 1803.
The host on dedicated servers for Assured Annuity, "the retail arm of Genex Capital" and, a medical marijuana site are located at IW Hosting in Quebec with the respective IP addresses 2 nodes apart, and, registered to Roger A. Agana, a Ghanaian citizen based in Ghana, who runs, based in Panama, according to Neither Ghana nor Panama subscribe to the Hague Service Convention. lists the Ghanian's two most popular hosted websites as Assured Annuity and Download Roger Agana website informer 9-21-2014
Download Roger Agana Linked In
Over to the 49th Parallel......
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