by Structured Settlement Watchdog™
A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. The LinkedIn forum in this case.
Jonathan Levy is the Boca Raton FL based President of the Agency for Civil Enforcement Corporation, a nationwide legal support service vendor for Attorneys and Paralegal professionals. His area of expertise is nationwide private process serving services and finding / locating people (skip tracing). One can appreciate why that would be useful to settlement purchasers who, among other things, need to track down structured settlement annuitants after scraping the court records.
Jonathan Levy posted on the Structured Settlement Support for Financial Advisors LinkedIn Forum that his company has been marketing a website www.sellyoursettlementnow(dot)com to business managers. Sellyoursettlementnow(dot)com is about "buying and selling structured settlements, lump sum payments and quick settlement financing"
So it was rather interesting to see settlement planners Kathleen Blevins* of WinFirst Structures in Roseville CA, and the esteemed Joe DiGangi** the latter a member of NSSTA, former President of Millennium Settlements and Pat Hindert "wunderkind" of 2009, appeared to offering to be involved for leads from a website that states.
"These structured settlement and Lawsuit Funding names are rare, significant and are only available to a special person who has an understanding of internet marketing or is willing to learn about internet marketing services, specifically targeting Structured Settlement and Injury Lawsuit Sellers. Sellers seeking fast cash or quick buyouts are always on the internet looking for ways to sell their structured settlements and or Lawsuits for lump sum payments".
Ironically the subject website also states " All information received and services provided is strictly confidential. We do not store, save or retain any email addresses or create cookies. All files, date, records, email and communications are secured and are not available for public or commercial use." Not sure what one calls Levy's LinkedIn post in relation to this statement"
- The subject website is 1 of 430 domains hosted on the same server, substantially all having to do with process serving, or pay day loans [source: Domain Tools].
- Substantially all the links from the subject website go to promote the other process serving domains.
- Substantially all the links from the subject website come from process serving domains [source: Ahrefs]
Image: Wikipedia
**Subsequent to the posting of this blog Joe DiGangi deleted his post from the aforementioned LinkedIn forum. DiGangi represented to me in a conversation preceding his deletion that he is not seeking leads of people who want to sell structured settlements.
*Has Blevins dabbled before?
from LinkedIn
On January 24,2013 Errol Koffsky, sales consultant with Main Line Guarantee LLC, made the following request in another LinkedIn forum: that he was "looking to purchase future payments from either state lottery deals or structured settlement cases. He expressed an interest in period certain cases and life contingent deals that are either hedged or unhedged. I am interested in big lump sum deals that come due by 2020
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Annuity Broker at Settlement Planners, Inc.
"Errol, I will keep you in mind. Can you send me a LinkedIn request so I can have your contact information? Thanks. Kathleen Blevins"
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