by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
"Are you looking for where and how it is easiest selling structured settlement payments in Florida?", asks Mainstreet Structured Settlement Funding, a spin off from Fairfield Funding based in Lawrenceville, Georgia.
When a cash now pusher starts naming Sumter County in its advertising we have a problem members of the State of Florida Senate and House of Representatives in Tallahassee Florida!
Download Selling Structured Settlements Florida Sumter County Mainstreet Funding 3-16-2014
Mainstreet Structured Settlement Funding says "One of the courts that hears these cases is the Sumter County Florida court. Sometimes that particular court does not require that you appear before the judge in person". The statement is made in the context of Mainstreet comparing Florida to West Virginia and Maryland where an "in person" hearing IS required.
Like the burgers you can buy and microwave at your local gas station or convenience store, that's a "BigAZ" problem!
It's a problem that could be exploited and result in a slip through of a structured settlement transfer that was not in fact in the seller's best interest or his or her dependents, because there was no in person hearing. I know of at least one such Florida case where I was contacted by a seller shortly after a structured settlement transfer had been completed. Within minutes of speaking with him, it was obvious that there was no way the transaction was in his best interest or the best interest of his two toddlers. While court records in Okeechobee County (not Sumter in that case) would show that the end result was a recission of the transfer order, had he not sought me out, or hired an attorney, he would have been screwed.
An in person hearing would have prevented the near tragedy.
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