by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
Would you post a video of your pregnant fiancé on your company blog, YouTube and a public Group on LinkedIn? Nick Jackson really did.
Jackson, the sole proprietor of Annapolis Missouri based Jackson Structured Settlements (SYSS) found a novel way to promote his company's business and attempt to resolve a business dispute with another factoring company he claims owes him money- exploit his pregnant fiance on the company blog. Before the video was removed, viewers were treated to a bird's eye view of Nick Jackson's fiance, Jessica Thompson, who was given the indignity of being presented to the world at her "early morning best", having the camera zeroed in on her pregnant belly [which Jackson referred to on Google Plus as "DJ Belly" before removing it]. a cuppa "joe" and a gratuitous early morning expletive. The pet cat "photo bombs" the video which was tagged "MO Knows Structured Settlements"
Download Nick Jackson SYSS pregnant fiance video on company blog 11-26-2013
Download Nick Jackson Pregnant Fiance Belly on Jackson Structured Funding Pinterest 11-26-2013
"Financial consultant" Nick Jackson's rambling commentary (he refers to himself as a narrator) is notable for his mention of his recent incarceration for unpaid parking tickets.
The "camera man" apparently missed the "money shot" - the gaping hole in the foot he shot himself through.
In addition to what is in my opinion, Nick Jackson's poor choice in voluntarily publishing the aformentioned video and then promoting it across various social networks, does Nicholas Jackson need any more help from anyone in torpedoing his own cause?
On the LinkedIn Jackson tried to get away with passing the video off as of some third party, not him and his fiance, before he realized that someone noticed his voluntary publication on multiple public social networks.
Perhaps reflecting on the "hole in his foot", Nicholas Jackson sent me a Linkedin communication on Thanksgiving Day stating that "all press is good press in a sense, but it will end up getting blacklisted for investment funds which makes it hard for him to grow his network of buyers".
The 12 Concord Drive Crystal City, MO 63019 address cited on the Jackson Structured Funding website and in Bloglines, Merchant Circle, Manta, Facebook, LinkedIn and HotFrog has not been active since mid-February 2013 when, according to Missouri, the home was repossessed by Susie Thomas while Jackson was in jail for his first 2013 incarceration. Jackson had the opportunity to change these listings to a valid address between his two 2013 incarcerations (the latter for unpaid parking tickets) and after he was released from the second incarceration in September 2013 but did not. The LinkedIn now references "
The Foursquare listing shows Jackson Structured Funding as a tech start up and an address as 399 State Highway AA in Annapolis MO 63620. According to Missouri public records, the special conditions attached to his September 12, 2013 release from prison, Jackson was "to have no contact with alleged victim, and defendant is to live with grandmother in Annapolis MO".
His BBB listing lists Business category annuities, although there is no record of an insurance license in Missouri. How does a Missouri consumer of annuities differentiate between Jackson and someone who sells annuities and possesses an active Missouri insurance license?
Jackson is the SEO specialist who previously performed work for factoring companies Sovereign Funding Group and Genex Strategies,Inc./ Genex Capital and wilfully began to make unsolicited disclosures of information about each of those companies, their principals and their business practices commencing in May 2012 to yours truly. In his November 28, 2013 correspondence he states that he "only shared information where he felt an illegal action could have taken place".
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