by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
Like this baby who can't figure out how to get the spoon out of his mouth, we have yet another anonymously registered structured settlement website associated with the structured settlement secondary market, that produces some of the dumbest things written about structured settlements. Nobby's Beach Australia, home of erstwhile "redirect scheme" landing page is, according to whois records, also the spriritual home of
Here are three examples that are demonstrate why IS NOT a trusted source of structured settlement information.
1. "People who are compensated a large arrangement from your injuries state seldom notice all of the cash at the same time".
Comment: So let get this straight, you get hurt and someone else gets paid? This ain't the Sopranos folks! And believe me they'd notice the cash!
2. "This is a type of financial loan provided to a person or perhaps a team or even family members (in a few cases) in which the financial loan quantity is generally the entire quantity of the actual organized arrangement".
Comment: Structured settlements are neither financial loans, nor a bouquet of flowers.
3. This particular maintains people through foolishly investing the cash and lower upon cash, that is much more devastating if they happen to be unable to act as a direct result the actual injuries"
Comments: Abject financial illiteracy. Underscores why is a waste of time for those seeking legitimate structured settlement information.
When you employ people to write for you that don't know their coccyx from their ulnaris, it's no wonder that those associated with this stuff keep their heads under a paper bag.
Click the link if you want to know what are structured settlements from an credentialed structured settlement expert.
About Structured Settlement Social Media Road Kill
Social Media Road KIll is an ongoing blog series in which Structured Settlement Watchdog® John Darer® identifies and roasts writers and websites that misinform the public about structured settlements. Some of the material that is produced by non experts is so pathetically bad it's funny. We root out the crap and present it for our readers for their entertainment and for educational purposes. Ideally the Structured Settlement Watchdog would prefer that writers do their homework before publishing so that consumers have the clearest path to accurate information about structured settlements.