CSSC stands for Certified Structured Settlement Consultant.
This author has held the CSSC designation since 1995.
The CSSC designation is a valuable credential for prospective clients of structured settlement brokers as it represents the measurement of a fundamental body of knowledge essential to success in the structured settlement field.
Structured settlement consultants who complete the CSSC curriculum of more than 80 hours of classroom and study followed by a comprehensive exam, earn the oldest professional designation dedicated to structured settlements and available to structured settlement professionals.
Keep in mind the CSSC Program is the NSSTA CSSC Program and NOT the University of Notre Dame CSSC program or Notre Dame University CSSC Program as was unfortunately misrepresented by a number of structured settlement brokers. The designation is awarded by NSSTA and was simply hosted at University of Notre Dame. The Mendoza College of Business master calendar for 2010 listed the education program as the NSSTA CSSC.
Remember that 4-5 Days in the vicinity of "Touchdown Jesus" Would Not Make You One of The Fighting Irish. Nor does it make your structured settlement broker
Post Pandemic, the CSSC program moved to a new host, the Macombs School at the University of Texas at Austin. So just remember that 4-5 days in Austin does not make you a Longhorn!
Last updated April 14, 2024