Ther is an incredible volume of structured settlement information on the internet and not all of it is relevant. it's not always easy to find information from individuals or companies that can actually place you in a structured settlement annuity. In an effort to help, the structured settlement watchdog, John Darer, has conducted a monthly structured settlement website survey using Alexa (a service of Amazon) amd presenting his findings to the public for the last 4+ years.
Global Structured Settlement Website Top 10 (Alexa Rank as of 05/30/2011) of Structured Settlement and Settlement Planning Industry websites* (+ or- traffic from previous report). Lower number is better (e.g. is ranked 1 in the overall scheme)
- Structured Settlements 4Real Blog (John Darer authored structured settlement blog) 342,310+
- Delta Settlements 521,696+
-, LLC 673,140+
- Structure Quote 862.862+
- S2KM Blog 1,275,388+
- Ringler Associates, Inc.2,160,909+
- National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA) 2,203,424+
- MIllennium Settlements 2,907,863+
- Structured Settlement Services 2,931,467+
- EPS Settlements Group 3,105.448+
Three Month Trailing Top 9 USA Traffic Rank (Alexa Rank as of 05/30/2011) of Structured Settlement and Settlement Planning Industry websites*.
- Structured Settlements 4Real Blog (John Darer authored structured settlement blog) 52,513+
-, LLC 102,493+
- Delta Settlements 118,349-
- Structure Quote 194,252-
- S2KM Blog 288,912-
- Ringler Associates 341,103+
- EPS Settlements 396,789+
- Structured Financial Associates (SFA) 478,022+
- Structured Settlement Agent Directory 566,411+
No other primary market structured settlement web sites received USA rankings from Alexa in this month's survey.
The 3 month data is used as it is a measure of consistency. The USA data is meaningful because the United States is the country in which the predominant number of structured settlements are written.
(out of a possible 50 months-this structured settlement survey began in April 2007)
Times Ranked #1 in 3 month global structured settlement website traffic, as measured by Alexa:
- Structured Settlements 4Real blog (John Darer) 33
- S2KM blog 12
- Speaking of Settlements 4
- Ringler Associates 1
Times Ranked #2 in 3 month global structured settlement website traffic, as measured by Alexa:
- Structured Settlements 4Real (John Darer blog) 17
-, LLC 15
- Speaking of Settlements 6
- S2KM blog 5
- Structured Settlement Services 3
- Delta Settlements 3
- Ringler Associates 1
USA only Structured Settlement Web Site Ranking (out of a possible 21 months; survey began September 2009)
Times Ranked #1 in 3 month USA only structured settlement website traffic, as measured by Alexa.
- Structured Settlements 4Real blog (John Darer blog) 19
- Speaking of Settlements 2
Times Ranked #2 in 3 month USA only structured settlement website traffic, as measured by Alexa.
-, LLC 11
- Delta Settlements 5
- Speaking of Settlements 4
- Structured Settlements 4Real blog (John Darer blog) 1
Website survey criteria: Companies whose primary business is structured settlement factoring transactions are not counted in this survey because: (i) despite the propaganda and efforts of some to "frame" them otherwise, (i) they are part of the cash flow, factoring or settlement purchasing industry. sometimes referred to as "the secondary market"; and (ii) the additional purpose of this survey is to identify legitimate sources of information for tort victims, their families, consumers, attorneys, judges or companies looking for structured settlements and the structured settlement brokers, registered settlement planners, certified structured settlement consultants, settlement planners, appointed structured settlement companies and agencies, United States Treasury structured settlement providers, or other financial professionals, who have the ability to deliver this information