The blog rodents are back! The "blog rodent dance" (pictured left) involves the sleazy practice of blog owners who make unauthorized use of the name of legitimate structured settlement industry players and their professional associations to websites which contain inaccurate gibberish about structured settlements, little to no relevant content to the names being used and no links to the website of the settlement consultants or firms whose names and/or trademarks they are using .
Many legitimate structured settlement and settlement planning industry players have been plagued by the blog rodent phenomenon at one time or another. Like real rodents they multiply like crazy.
It takes a significant amount of time and money to deal with blog rodents. Some claim to be doing research, others on the RSS Feed. There are all sorts of excuses, none valid. One common trait among the "blog rodents" is that they don't like to be exposed to sunlight. Someone admired by this author once extolled the virtues of sunlight as a disinfectant.The message to random bloggers about structured settlements who have aspirations to become rich using someone else's name and structured settlements:
- Ask for permission. Consider writing a review about a website instead of simply labeling a website with the name and possibly the trademark of someone else
- Write something that is intelligent
- Write something that is literate