by John Darer CLU ChFC CSSC RSP
Fitch Ratings service has assigned an AA+ (Very Strong) financial strength rating to Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company from AAA (Exceptionally Strong) in its most recent review. MassMutual formerly issued structured settlement annuities.
"MassMutual" is still one of the highest rated life insurance companies
Current ratings for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
- A.M. Best Company: A++ (Superior) - top category of 15
- Fitch Ratings: AA+ (Very Strong) - 2nd category of 21
- Moody's Investors Service: Aa2 (Excellent) - 3rd category of 21
- Standard & Poor's: AA+ (Very Strong) - 2nd category of 21
For 2009, the company reported a significant increase in operating earnings ($1.8 billion, up 37 percent), total adjusted capital ($11 billion, up 15 percent) and surplus ($9.3 billion, up 9 percent). We also reported record weighted sales* of our core product, whole life insurance ($203 million, up 8 percent) as well as record sales in our retirement services business ($4.8 billion, up 24 percent).
List of current structured settlement annuity companies and their ratings.
If you need service on your existing structured settlement, here is list of customer service phone numbers.
Please note if you have previously sold a portion of your structured settlement payment rights that your payments may be serviced by a factoring company NOT the annuity issuer. In such case you may have to contact the servicing company.