by Structured Settlement Watchdog
I received a call for a second opinion today and what I learned made it patently obvious that the plaintiff attorney's chosen structured settlement broker was looking out for an interest other than the party that he represents. And that's only for starters.
Unfortunately this is not the first time I have observed this phenomenon with this particular veteran broker.I am not going to reveal the name of the broker or any more at this time, but I can assure any plaintiff attorney as well as any settlement planner that the behavior of this individual that was related to me would give you the willies. If this were a soccer game this would be a straight red card.
It's a disgrace to the structured settlement profession and to those who strive to raise the level of financial literacy and ethics.
For the moment you will have to take my word that the actions of the individual in question demonstrate that not everyone is capable, qualified or sensitive enough to deliver settlement planning services to plaintiffs or their counsel professionally.The integrity of the profession is at stake and this person deserves a good kick in the ass, for starters..
I can assure the members of my profession that the structured settlement watchdog will not be silent the next time.