As part of its Investor Packet, cash now pusher Woodbridge Investments uses substantial parts of the March 2009 NSSTA Annuity Security Handout and cites current NSSTA President Dan Durbin as par of its efforts to hock money from investors in structured settlement payment rights.
Woodbridge even has the audacity to describe such materials in the following manner:
"Below are some articles from that help to explain buying structured settlements"
Ironically, a video featuring United States Senator Richard Durbin, a relative of NSSTA President Dan Durbin, appears on the NSSTA home page, warning people that selling structured settlement payments rights) could be a bad move.
This author continually questions the business practices of Woodbridge and opines that Woodbridge is one of the most unethical structured settlement factoring companies in the business. One of the foundations to this opinion is, due to appaling level of regulation concerning advertising and solitation Woodbridge has been observed trying to lure people to sell their structured settlements with what amount to bribes**. Download Woodbridge Investments 21st Century Toaster Incentives to Factor Structured Settlements AND Download Woodbridge Investments Plasma TV Incentives to Factor Structured Settlements Scott Schwartz
One wonders as part of any Court hearing involving a sale of structured settlement payment rights to Woodbridge, or the parties on whose behalf it is an intermediary, the promised incentives/bribes are disclosed and their influence on the seller fully explored by the presiding judge.
The company has previously falsely characterized itself as a structured settlement broker as opposed to a factoring broker or broker of structured settlement payment rights. Download Woodbridge false advertising. It's not to hard to see how the company attempts to create the imprimatur of NSSTA, the structured settlement industry trade association, to support its scheme.
** "something that serves to induce or influence" Merrriam-Webster dictionary
I wonder if NSSTA's copyright has been violated. Wonder what NSSTA would have to say.
Posted by: Chuck Derenne | January 09, 2010 at 06:04 PM