by John Darer CLU ChFC CSSC RSP
When the principals of Settlement Professionals, Inc. split off to expand their structured settlement general agency, a decision made to sever ties with the National Structured Settlement Trade Association ostensibly due to SPI principals' perception that NSSTA did not adequately address the rights of plaintiffs in structured settlement transactions. or more particularly the interests of those that advised plaintiffs. Principals of the company promote the "7 Deadly Sins of the Defense" as part of an advertising strategy that we've previously pointed out includes outdated information. This author has challenged those principals to "prove it" to the present day.
If the "left wing front" of the settlement industry reviles NSSTA so much then isn't it ironic that one of Settlement Professionals' affiliates devotes a full page of its website to videos about structured settlements that have been produced by, or on behalf of, the National Structured Settlement Trade Association?
Similar irony to this...
Now I'm sure that NSSTA is grateful for the links, thanks to SPI affiliate Bill Tilley, which help to promote NSSTA!
The National Structured Settlement Trade Association is comprised of diverse members who advise all types of stake holders in structured settlements and the settlement planning process. Is Settlement Professionals, Inc. going to join NSSTA?.