by Structured Settlement Watchdog
An anonymous so-called expert states on October 15, 2009
"A certified structured settlement consultant needs to be one who can calculate your costs and your future expenses that is the result of the incident. They should also be reputable. Make sure they have no affiliations with any insurance companies. You need to be their priority. They should offer you a sworn affidavit hat(sic) states they do not hold any ties with the insurance industry altogether. You are the best judge so look online for reviews and comments from these consultant’s other customers. You will definitely find something. Also check with the Better Business Bureau for any complaints against them"-
from a website that purports to be about "Structured Settlements 101" located at structuredsettlement101(dot)com at time of original publication. We don't give links to anonymous non experts as we believe that such promotion simply rewards financial illiteracy.
- To this author's knowledge the only certified structured settlement consultants that are not affiliated with insurance companies are affiliated with factoring companies. Those affiliated companies include among them one of those who display those obnoxious, cheesy "cash now" advertisements, the claims for which have been proven to be a fraud (because they cannot give you cash the minute you make the phone call-due to an established time consuming process, grounded in state and federal law, that is designed to protect consumers).
- Should you wish to elect a structured settlement as part of your settlement planning strategy pursuant to IRC 130(d), it can be funded with (1) a structured settlement annuity or (2) an obligation of the United States government, also known as Treasury Funded Structured Settlements.
- Inasmuch as a structured settlement annuity is an insurance product the author of is delivering bad advice. The majority of structured settlements are funded with annuities.
More information about structured settlements
What is a Structured Settlement?
Types of Structured Settlement Payments
What is Settlement Planning? What is Settlement Consulting?