New York's National Debt clock made headlines last October when it ran out of numbers. It was scheduled to be replaced this year. For those who can't wait, don't have the means or don't wish to travel to New York, provides useful real time online information about the National Debt of the United States and what it means.
Take this for instance:
Sunday August 9, 2009 at 8pm the National Debt was $11,671,405,600,000 give or take a few thousand dollars
US GDP was 71.5% of the National Debt
US GDP was about 70% of the total US Government Bailouts
US tax revenue collected year to date was only about 1/10th of the National Debt
Now compare those numbers to the "herd of elephants" in the room...
Estimated Currency and Credit Derivatives $644,337,913,364,621
Seems like "We-are-in a world of sh*t"