Out of date information is of little use unless you are a historian, or perhaps a detective trying to solve a cyber crime. This author has observed alot of detritus on structured settlements floating around like space junk.
One such example is the Wiki "KM in S2" produced by Patrick Hindert pal, Denham Grey. Download Kmwiki » KM in S2 4202009 . S2 is "geek speak" for structured settlements that hasn't gone mainstream (and probably never will). Denham Grey lists himself elsewhere as " working with my partner Patrick Hindert in the Structured Settlement industry". Download Denham Grey partner to Patrick Hindert on Structured Settlements 4202009
The KM in S2 Wiki contains much out of date information including many dead links, including links that this author opines were of little use in the first place, such as blog posts written by non expert pay per posters like Amit Laufer (a/k/a Cardinal Martini). There are also incorrect links to tax attorney Robert W. Wood, the Society of Settlement Planners and annuity issuers that no longer issue structured settlement annuities, dead links to factoring intermediaries and the ubiquitous Hindert inspired factoring promotion of one hit wonder "Adan (sic) Scales".
Denham Grey's "partner" Patrick Hindert became unglued the last time I criticized Grey two years ago, but the blight continues , "Denny" just won't clean up his room. It's time to hoover up this structured settlement flotsam and jetsam.
It seems appropriate to conclude this post with a "Wiki Limericki"
There Once Was A Man With A Wiki
Who Thought Knowledge Management Made Him Slicky
But Lo and Behold
The Info Was Old
Now It's a Useless Doo-Hickey!