A New York attorney uses the Internet to advertise that he is a "licensed structured settlement broker consultant". There is no such thing.
Click Information on Applying for Broker/Agent Licenses for information on the types of license that actually do exist, "right from THE source"- The New York State Insurance Department. This material provides information regarding various types of agent and broker licenses issued by this Department and the procedures to be followed when applying. Nothing therein refers to a structured settlement broker consultant as a type of license. Please note that there is no specific structured settlement distinction.
In order to be appointed by an annuity issuer to place structured settlement annuities in the State of New York you need a life insurance agent's license. Some individuals or entities who do structured settlement consulting may also possess a life insurance broker's license.
What could be the reason that a member of the New York bar, who happens to hold an insurance license, and also happens to be affiliated with a structured settlement firm, would use a legal term that does not exist to describe his licensure and to advertise his services?
As a general comment, when it it comes to a professional certification or license, the structured settlement profession would be better served if certain of its members did not "invent" fictitious terms to promote themselves.