The chicken has clucked and clucked and "plucked around", rather than offering even a shred of evidence to support his postulate that factoring is route one to structured settlement industry growth. Patrick Hindert has NOT laid the proverbial golden egg, instead two months of evasion and then a heaping pile of chopped liver.
In two posts dated July 23, 2008 and today Patrick Hindert supports this author's opinion that he is merely an erudite tool for the factoring industry. It turns out as suspected and now confirmed that the recent so-called "structured settlement thought leader conference" was a figment of the National Association of Settlement Purchasers' imagination.
It's NOT all well and good for Hindert to keep blowing smoke, and he offers no solutions. In my opinion he's an empty suit with a text book...a co-authored text book at that.
If Hindert was a true leader he'd offer solutions, explain himself AND quit ducking the challenge to his postulate that has been pending for over 2 months . Time to call the Colonel. Anyone else sick of Hindert pluckin' around? In my opinion this "bird" deserves a spot in "The Big Bucket".
In this author's opinion, Patrick Hindert's continued associate membership in NSSTA and SSP and his being permitted to serve on committees of those associations while simultaneously overtly supporting the factoring industry exposes a massive weakness in these trade associations that is wide open to exploitation.
When competing products to structured settlements offer a solution that CANNOT BE FACTORED, why is the factoring agenda being pushed so much by Hindert?
Read this email that this author obtained courtesy of The Halpern Group. Outside investors are canvassing anyone they can to buy structured settlement payment rights.
From: Werner Lanz
[mailto:[email protected]]
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:34 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Structured
Dear Sirs
For a number of investors in Switzerland and Germany, we are looking for existing structured annuituies (sic).
We are traders of those policies and intrested (sic) in policies of a price from US$ 20'000.00 up to US$ 100'000.00
and a duration up to 15 years with single or multiple payments.
Could you please give us some interesting quotes or send us a pricelist of policies you have for sale?
Best regards
Werner Lanz
W. Lanz Consulting
Nordstrasse 3A
CH-5032 Rohr AG
Tel.++41+62 823 96 06
Fax ++41 +62 823 96 05
While Patrick Hindert invokes Nietzsche to support his "birth of a tragedy" here a few more quotes to mull over:
There is no traitor like him whose domestic treason plants the poniard within the breast that trusted to his truth” Lord Byron
"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction" Winston Churchill"
"To change and to change for the better are two different things" German proverb
"Truth, Sir, is the cow which will yield such people (skeptics) no more milk, and so they are gone to milk the bull" Samuel Johnson
"Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken" Warren Buffett
"What is the quality of your intent?" Thurgood Marshall
"You've soiled yourself...time for a change!" ...Anonymous
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