A pair of individuals from California with no respect for trademarks have started a site site called structuredssettlements.com (note the double "ss"!) on it appear web pages where the URL (address) includes the names of virtually every structured settlement industry members. Each of these web pages contains numerous links to Structured Settlement Alliance, believed tied in with J.G. Wentworth. The main website page has to do with leading structured settlement buyers
I speak for myself personally, and my company in saying unequivocably that we are not structured settlement buyers. We are not affiliated in anyway with the Structured Settlement Alliance or JG Wentworth, nor would we be. The use of our names is unauthorized. I cannot speak for other companies or individuals in the industry although I suspect many of those have been unwittingly connected through the sleazy scheme.
Click the link below for the Whois record for structuredssettlements.com
Download coolwhois.com - WHOIS search of structuredssettlement.pdf
The site is registered to Paul Newburg of 1256 Bascom Ave Saratoga, CA 95070
The site administrator is Charles Chang 211 Cedar Street Los Angeles, CA 91801 [email protected] Telephone 626-872-0162
Are these conniving individuals profiteering off the names and goodwill of other established businesses and professionals though unauthorized use of names and wrongful association, for the benefit of themselves and Structured Settlement Alliance? Judge for yourself!
A sampling of the abuse:
Download http___meligan.structuredssettlement.pdf
Download http___cybersettle.structuredssettlement.pdf
Download http___nssta.structuredssettlement.pdf
Download http___atlas.structuredssettlement.pdf
Download http___summit.structuredssettlement.pdf
and the perhaps descriptive
Download http___shithead.structuredssettlement.pdf
It doesn't take Charlie Chan to figure out that the perpetrators of this scheme may face a flood of cease and desist letters and potential legal action.