by Structured Settlement Watchdog®
A number of structured settlement industry/settlement planning industry web sites, including one in New York, advertise that one or more individuals are a "licensed structured settlement broker".
There are structured settlement brokers who hold life insurance broker's licenses , or agent's licenses for life insurance (in most states that includes non variable annuities) with carrier appointments, in the various states where they solicit annuity or insurance business. There is, however no such thing a "structured settlement license".
People that place structured settlements are required to possess a valid life insurance license as one of the prerequsities to receiving an appointment from the top life insurance companies who write structured settlement annuities.
Generally structured settlement brokers are required, by the annuity issuer, to be licensed in their home state as well as the state where the qualified assignment company is based. A number of structured settlement consultants go further and are licensed in the states where they solicit business.
A number of individuals and companies that purchase structured settlement payment rights deceptively try to position themselves as a "structured settlement broker". Those individuals and companies do not actually place annuities and only pay you cash in exchange for the right to receive your payments. These individuals and companies are more than likely NOT life insurance licensed and highly unlikely to have been appointed to place structured settlements by any structured annuity issuer or alternative periodic payment provider involved with the placement of structured settlements funded by United States Treasury Bonds. ("Treasury Funded Structured Settlements")