by Structured Settlement Watchdog
Deal Flow Media has completely cocked up its report on Non Qualified Assigments in its write up "Non Qualified Assignments: A Settlement Growth Area" in its subscribers only Structured Settlements Report.
Here's what DealFlow Media inaccurately reportsin its central topic sentence:
"A fast growing segment in the structured settlements industry is serviced by only two life insurance carriers – neither of which is domiciled in the United States". (underlines for emphasis)
- The segment is serviced by four life insurance carriers each of which IS domiciled in the United States
For the record. those companies are:
- Allstate Life Insurance Company, domiciled in Nortbrook, IL
- Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, domiciled in Happauge, NY
- Liberty Life Assurance Company of Boston, domiciled in Boston, MA
- The Prudential Insurance Company of America, domiciled in Newark, NJ
Last time I checked, the states of Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York had not seceded from the Union.
- DealFlow Media reporting on the structured settlement industry could best be described as "shambolic". Their entry into the marketplace has been beset by inaccurate reporting. I've reported that accurate information is easily avaialble for free from existing sources. If I were a subscriber paying $1,195-$1,500 I would take about a millisecond to question the value of what I was receiving and would be screaming from the balcony "its my money and I want it NOW!".
FREE Resources on Non Qualified Assignments (click titles to access)
Looking for a Non Qualified Assignment May 22, 2007
Non Qualified Structured Settlements and Non Qualified Assignments
For further information on Non Qualified Assignments feel free to contact John Darer at 203-325-8640