It seems that author and "factoring promoter" Patrick J. Hindert lauds the the December announcement of a solution to the Executive Life of New York shortfall as the impetus for the "reopening of the secondary (read factoring) market in Executive Life annuities". Source: DealFlow Media's 02/06/2008 Structured Settlement Report (page 7 bottom right corner).
During a January presentation to the NSSTA by Wayne Mehlman of the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), who spoke about the solvency requirements and regulatory oversight of the Life Insurance Industry, Hindert cynically questioned Mehlman and was heard to be, and seen as visibly to be, emotional about the interests of the factoring companies in these situations.
Hindert will make the rounds "promoting the factoring market" first as featured speaker at the upcoming Society of Settlement Planners annual meeting in Washington, DC and then March 28-29 at the Academy of Special Needs Planners meeting in New Orleans, which is sponsored by JG Wentworth, a company that needs no introduction for the $43 million spent on annoying but memorable ads designed to separate tort victims from the stable income they are receiving.
Hindert is also a member of the National Structured Settlement Trade Association and the Society of Settlement Planners.